Canadian Veterans Advocacy Mission Statement
Canadian Veterans Advocacy
Founder/Chairman Michael L Blais CD
Date commissioned November 6th, 2010
Canadian Veterans Advocacy Mission Statement
To advocate for Canada’s Sons and Daughters as they serve in Harm’s Way.
To advocate for an end to the lump sum and restoration of lifetime pensions.
To advocate for an end to the Widows tax.
To advocate for a comprehensive, family inclusive PTSD program.
To advocate on behalf of all Agent Orange Victims, CFB Gagetown.
To advocate on behalf of all veterans exposed to chemical agent testing at CFB Suffield.
To advocate for the survivors of HMCS Kootnenay.
To advocate for an end to the SISIP Claw back on 6500 veterans VAC pensions.
To advocate for an end to the reduction of service/CPP disability pensions at age 65.
To advocate for change and improvements to the New Veterans Charter.
To advocate for elderly veterans and their wives to be united until death.
Canadian Veterans Advocacy History
My Name is Michael L Blais CD. I am a retired veteran of The Royal Canadian Regiment and served briefly with the Canadian Forces Dental Services. I was medically released in 1992 after a second lower back operation while posted to CFB Baden Soellingen. On August 17th, 2010, I would become a reluctant veterans advocate after watching Colonel Pat Stogran, Canada’s first Veterans Ombudsman, televised interview. Through this advocacy, the Canadian Veterans National Day of Protest, a successful Canada-wide event, was conducted at 11 AM local, 6 November, 2010. Across the nation, thousands of veterans, many times small groups of ten to forty in strength, gathered at their parliamentarians riding offices to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves and our retired veterans about the inadequacies of the New Veterans Charter.
The Canadian Veterans Advocacy was born of this successful protest. I would encourage you to join us as veterans standing up for veterans, united under one cause, our fundamental duty to those to whom we have passed the torch.
God Bless our troops, our veterans and their families.
God Bless Canada
Michael L Blais CD
Canadian Veterans Advocacy
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